Death by Powerpoint


Naqib said...

Your "Death by Power Point" presentation is very impressive and I liked it very much. The idea of interactive Power Point presentations/Slides is more impressive. I was very surprised to see some interesting slides made for students. It is a fact if presentation in Power Point is not child centered and interactive, it may not be very helpful ( I believe). These presentations can be more interesting if they are more engaging. I was glad to see your presentation on class wiki this morning. I was impressed because it was more interactive and more engaging, and you were the first to upload the presentation and luckily I was the second to do so.
Take care,

Marijana said...

Commented on a wrong post, check the comment on Death by Power Point in Webquests! Sorry, still learning! LOve this one though!

Mbarek said...

Hi Naqib , Many thanks for your kind words . You are right , presnetations can be interesting if they are more engaging . I also like your interactive powerpoint to teach mathematics to young learners . Getting immediate beedback is a very positive feature that will help students to discover their errors. Wishing you fruitful learning :-)

palwashasajjad said...

You are one of my course mates whose work i read and follow regularly as i find it very helpful.Your this presentation is a good one and Naqib rightly said that if we focus more on students we will be real teachers.
Keep posting so that people like me who are new to the field can learn from you.


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